(510) 922-8556 info@oldsite.yesworld.org



We are ready to work with you!

Our dynamic collective of international and US-based facilitators have a variety of strengths, skills and talents in supporting groups, businesses, non-profits, universities, schools, etc. in strengthening their programs, conferences, teams and other projects.  We are here to design and facilitate diverse co-learning, community-building, diversity and inclusion, better communications and teamwork, conflict transforming workshops and engagements, based on our 30 years of experiences with social change-makers.  What are your specific needs, time, audience, and objectives?  We can customize to meet your goals and strengthen your work.

Please contact Elias Serras, our Learning and Partnerships Associate, to learn more: elias@oldsite.yesworld.org

Offerings have included:

From Breakdowns to Breakthroughs: Facing and Changing Conflicts in Our Lives          “Conflict is the spirit of the relationship asking itself to deepen.” ~ Malidoma Somé                  Conflicts are prevalent in our lives and world and are often the cause of a lot of stress and pain, socially, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. But what if we can shift our attitude towards conflict to see it as neutral and perhaps even as a transformational opportunity? Dive in as we consciously shift towards more generative responses to conflict. We’ll use a variety of tools and exercises to move from breakdowns to breakthroughs and hopefully come out the other side feeling more empowered to create the impossible in our world and lives.

Engaging the Power of Intention and Ritual to Make the Impossible
Magic is real. It’s rooted in an interconnection between our hearts, the earth, spirit and community. When we open ourselves and allow information to flow through us, when we practice exformation and bring out the key elements in ourselves, then we make flow all kinds of magic, which is essential for the impossible to emerge. Join us for an experience of creative ritual that transforms our intentions into actualities. This is not goal-setting or strategic planning; it’s allowing for mystery to manifest through our words, thoughts and deeds — which is at the heart of any impossible endeavor.

Building Bridges Towards Your Impossible
“They say there is a doorway from heart to heart. But what is the use of a door when there are no walls?” – Rumi
One of the things that stands in the way of our impossible are the walls we place or have had placed between ourselves and others. Many of us long to work in diverse groups and teams, with people from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences, and yet, we don’t know how to build the bridges and create the kinds of relationships and cultures that make that possible. We sense intuitively that we are wiser together, and still feel stuck when it comes to actually generating the kinds of relationships across difference that feel meaningful and authentic. Join us for an exploration, using practical tools and skills, of what we can unlock in ourselves and with each other to open up and build the bridges that are vital for creating the world we want to see. Hint: It starts with listening from our hearts more than from our heads.

Lessons Learned From A Global Community Of Young Leaders 
There are powerful, creative and vibrant movements afoot in every community and nation in the world.  This intergenerational workshop will explore stories that give us hope and insights that inform our lives.

Leveraging Privilege for Social Change
What would life be like if we could unleash all that we have, and all that we are, on behalf of all that we love?  In this workshop we will explore the many kinds of privilege that exist in our lives, our views of the world and how we would like to affect positive change, and how we can leverage our lives and resources for maximal positive impact.  We will look at values, dreams, and defining moments in our life journeys with a supportive community of peers.

Our Stories, Our Values
This workshop will create an opportunity for participants to explore and share some of the defining moments of our lives, and what has made us who we are today.  We will also look at how our life histories have shaped how we see the world, what we love and are committed to, and the gifts that are ours to give.

Money, Values, History and Legacy
Many of us are unconsciously ruled by messages about life and money that we have inherited from our families and from our society.  This interactive workshop will explore and help us more deeply understand “what makes us tick”, and help us to create greater congruency between what we believe in and how we live.

Transformational Philanthropy: The Next Generation
Are you stepping into wealth and looking at how to leverage your giving for maximal impact?  Are you interested in doing things differently, creatively, with an entrepreneurial spirit?  Would you like to explore how money can move in ways that build real and lasting partnerships, and to engage in grantmaking in a way that empowers communities and social entrepreneurs to be even more effective, not bound by wads of paperwork and embroiled in unexamined but negative power dynamics?  This workshop will look at creative strategies and new ways of giving that are being pioneered, in many cases, by young people.  We will explore how philanthropy can be fresh, new, and responsive to the unique gifts we bring and the particular opportunities of our live and times.

Divided We Fall: Tools for Building Bridges Across Divides
Many of us work with diverse communities, organizations and schools, yet haven’t spent much time examining or healing interpersonal dynamics that are often the cause of misunderstandings and strife. This workshop offers tools and practices that can strengthen your learning community – even if that is your own family – and improve its capacity to accomplish its missions/goals. We’ll learn how to set intentions, make agreements, ensure each person’s voice is heard, and work through differences with dignity and clarity.

Mentorship and Healthy Support Systems
Leadership in communities often grows through the process of mentorship — sharing the best of our wisdom and experiences to offer guidance and support and build trust and deeper learning. How to develop one’s mentorship capacities and create support systems and circles for strong and grounded leadership to grow and bloom is the focus of this workshop.

It’s All in the Game: Cooperation in Our Play
Games! A fabulous way to bring people together and build understanding and community. Our games reflect the world we want to see: If we compete against each other, we find a handful of winners and a multitude of losers, frustration, egoism and disappointment. If we cooperate, we all get to make a contribution, co-create something whole that’s bigger than its parts, and support feelings of friendship, love and acceptance. Let’s play some cooperative games, and learn how to transform competitive games into cooperative ones.

Reflections from YES! Workshops

Connections. Vision.  Humanity.  Acceptance.  Love.  Friendship.  Hugs!  Insight.  Learning.  Growth. and so much I can’t put into words.  Thank you!”              

 – Drew, age 27, natureopath, Portland


It’s always reassuring and empowering to rediscover that people from varying circumstances have similar goals.  Support in the form of listening and respect is powerful, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to listen and be heard.”

– Lizzy Stahl, age 19, University of Puget Sound student, Seattle


“brilliant. amazing. wonderful.”

– Victor Diaz, principal, Realm Charter School, Berkeley


I was able to see how YES! is designing a much needed space for removing barriers to connections that would change the old destruction order. And, I could see and understand the English language world view in a different and meaningful way that is not oppressive and limiting but liberating for finding co-creative solutions.”

– Patricia Davis, age 68, Diné elder, Seattle


“The last three days for me were really great. I arrived here under a lot of pressure, and I was able to release all that stress and learn a lot about myself and for my future in that process. I’m very grateful or the opportunity.”

– José Aponte Méndez, graduate from Nuestra Escuela


“I came with a lot of desire to learn. I thought it would be like other conferences, but it turned out to be different. I liked the strategies for learning and communication; the balance between silence and noise, calm and games; and the companionship.”

– Frances González, mother of Nuestra Escuela student


“These days were excellent for me; they turned out to be the therapy I needed. I take with me tools to put in practice in my life and in school. I connected with myself and found my muse.”

– Sandra Adorno, teacher at Nuestra Escuela