(510) 922-8556 info@oldsite.yesworld.org



Impact (millions)

Reach (millions)


We co-organize transformative learning spaces called Jams amongst diverse change makers.


Check out a series of resources to support making a difference.


Bring YES! tools and practices into the places that matter most to you.

Developed over 24 years of experience with YES! camps and Jams, “Connecting, Inspiring & Collaborating with Changemakers” is full of over 200 practices, tools, games and resources to support changemakers at all levels to bring forth thriving, just and sustainable ways of life for all. It also has an extensive organizing compendium. View the entire book in Google Drive for free! We would love to receive your feedback on the activities you use. Or if you prefer, write to info.yesworld@gmail.com for a PDF (available for a suggested donation of $17 – check out a sneak peek here) or a hard copy (available for a suggested donation of $25). 


In this first series of the podcast, we’ll be slowing down to hear about aspects of YES!’s history.

Future podcasts will share stories about how YES! Jammers have taken their learnings into their work and communities and how Jam facilitators have learned and grown through their journey. Contact Jovan if you have a story you’d like to share.

Featured Video

YES! serves as a social-profit organization that connects, inspires and collaborates with changemakers to join forces for thriving, just and regenerative ways of life for all.

Those who come…come hoping to find their next growing edge…they are often pushing the envelopes around power and privilege and their relationships to these issues….they are trying to connect the dots of various movements and issues, hoping to attain greater clarity and engagement in their work, while living more full and balanced lives…to put it simply, a Jam embodies two core principles: uncompromised truth and unconditional love. A Jam is, above all, a place to be real, to take off masks, to speak one’s truth, and to be fully oneself. Simultaneously, a Jam is a highly appreciative space, where compliments and love are given freely and received with dignity and gratitude, and where the intention is towards healing, learning and growing honest, healthy relationships.

Shilpa Jain & Tad Hargrave

What's A Jam?, YES! World

Upcoming Jams | Click HERE to Apply or Get Info!

YES! Holiday Party

YES! Annual Holiday Party, December 12, 2021, on Zoom and in-person – Jammers, program partners and community members are invited for YES!’s annual fun-, friend- and fund-raising event.

India EcoJam 2022

India Eco Jam, January 30 to February 5, 2022, Bangalore, India – The second-ever EcoJam in India will bring together a community of 30 people from diverse backgrounds, ages 20+, who are passionate and concerned about the environment. They will gather to know themselves more deeply, build a community together, reconnect with Nature in a profound way, and find renewed vision, purpose, and support in their work in the world. It is being organized and facilitated by a team of alumni of past India Jams.


Healing Our Movement Ecosystem - HOME Jam 2022

HOME (Healing Our Movement Ecosystem) – An Environmental Movement JamFebruary 1-6, 2022, Santa Cruz mountains, California – Diverse change-makers from the intersecting environmental, ecology and environmental justice movements will gather to heal the movement ecosystem at all levels in this 6th Jam (since its 2013 initiation). Grassroots leaders, conservationists, indigenous peoples, alternative builders, eco-justice warriors, scientists, and policy advocates, and more, will explore their stories, learnings, struggles and hopes, and find ways to amplify vision, balance, well-being, connectivity and collective effectiveness within this vital movement. Core partners: Elias Serras, Gabi Jubran & HAPPI, Kyle Lemle & Lead to Life, Tianna Arrendondo & 350.org, Rene Henery & Trout Unlimited, Anwen Baumeister & The Well/Cozy Bones Farm.

Join a Global Community of Changemakers!

YES! connects, inspires and collaborates with change-makers to build thriving, just and balanced ways of life for all. We primarily work with people ages 18-35, but are increasingly also working intergenerationally as well. We believe that life is precious and magnificent, and that we were put on this Earth for more than mere survival. We all have the birthright to love, to prosper, to grow, and to learn ever more what it means to be who we are. Join us! 

YES! Let's Connect!

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