(510) 922-8556 info@oldsite.yesworld.org

Toronto Changemakers Jam 2021 – Application

Why are you asking these questions?

Because of the small scale and personal nature of the Jam, these questions are more in-depth than most. We want to get to know you because the people in the (virtual) room are the focus of the Jam. Sharing our stories, experiences, ideas, etc., in different ways, is how we engage and learn together. Don’t worry too much about grammar, spelling, and making full sentences. Our goal is to get a sense of who you feel you are, not to test you.


How much should I write?

The more the team learns about you, the more informed their decision about selection can be. At the same time, please share only as much as you feel comfortable sharing. There is no minimum or maximum length for responses. We will follow up with you if we need more information.


Who has access to my info?

Only the leadership team will have access to your application. All of your answers, including your name and basic info, will be kept in full confidentiality among the team.


Jamily alumni?

If you are an alumni of a previous Toronto Jam and want to apply to come again, please do! Go back to the main webpage and click on the link for the alumni-specific application. 


Note: We encourage you to cut-and-paste your answers to this application into a word document BEFORE you hit the submit button, as we occasionally experience some technical difficulties with this form. Once you have received confirmation from us that we received your application, then you can go ahead and delete the word doc. Thank you!

    Complete Name (required)

    Nickname, or Name You Prefer to Be Called (if applicable)

    Gender Pronouns

    Your Email (required)

    Organization or Organizational Affiliation & Website (if applicable):

    Street Address (required)

    City (required)

    Province (required)

    Postal Code (required)

    Phone Number(s) (required):

    Birthday (Month/Day/Year) (required)

    How did you hear about the Jam? Please list sources by name:

    Who You Are

    1. What are your questions right now? What’s alive for you? What are your current places of challenge, growth, and excitement? In your community? Your work life? Personally? In the GTA?

    2. Why do you want to attend the Jam (as opposed to a conference, workshop, meditation retreat, etc.)? How are its principles valuable for you at this point in your life/work journey?

    3. What do you hope to offer to the Jam? What do you hope to receive from the Jam?

    4. How do you identify? (race, gender identity, ethnic background, sexual orientation, class, ability, family status, other human attributes of any kind, and anything that you feel makes you who you are.)

    5. There will be a rich variety of beliefs and life experiences among those who come to the Jam, and a significant part of our time together will involve listening and learning across our diverse experiences and perspectives. What works for you in connecting with people who are different from you? Where do you struggle with these connections? What supports you in making meaningful connections?

    6. Please give us a mini-bio written in the third person (e.g., using “he", "she” or “they”, or other pronoun, instead of “I”). One paragraph will do. Talk yourself up! Include contributions you’ve made, accomplishments that are important to you, organizations you’ve been involved with, etc. This bio will be shared with other participants leading up to the Jam. You will have a chance to change this later if you like.

    7. What needs would you like to share around making the Jam feel welcoming and accessible for you? Any concerns, doubts or fears about coming to the Jam? Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

    Costs of Attending

    The cost of the Jam is $300, and we are inviting a sliding scale of $50 to $300. This covers honorariums for organizers and facilitators to compensate them, in some part, for their work.

    We never want money to be a barrier, so we will do everything we can to make it work for you to attend. We never want money to be a barrier, so we will do everything we can to make it work for you to attend. We can also create a monthly payment plan that works for you.

    Additional donations above $300 are welcome and help us provide scholarships to support the broad spectrum of participation on which this event thrives.

    Are you or your organization in a position to pay the full cost? If not, how much are you able to contribute?

    Thanks so much for taking the time to fill out this application! We’ll be in touch within 1 week of the deadline. In turn, should you have ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS please do not hesitate to get in touch. Also, this is a living document and we welcome your feedback!

    Note: We encourage you to cut-and-paste your answers to this application into a word document BEFORE you hit the submit button, as we occasionally experience some technical difficulties with this form. Once you have received confirmation from us that we received your application, then you can go ahead and delete the word doc. Thank you!