(510) 922-8556 info@oldsite.yesworld.org

India Youth Jam 2017 Application

Priority Application Deadline: 27 January 2017

If you are receiving the invitation/application about the India Youth Jam after 27th January, please contact us to make sure there is still space/availability BEFORE you apply: indiayouthjam@gmail.com

Note: We encourage you to cut-and-paste your answers to this application into a word doc, BEFORE you hit the submit button, as we are occasionally experiencing some technical difficulties with this contact form.  Once you have received confirmation from us that we received your application, then you can go ahead and delete the word doc. Thank you!


    Because the people in the room are the focus of the Jam, this questionnaire is longer and more in-depth than most, because we want to get to know you better. Please share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. There is no min/max length for responses and no pressure. We only ask you to share what you feel is ‘enough’. We will follow up with more questions or a phone call if we need more information.

    Also, please note that all of your answers, including your name and basic info, will be kept in full confidentiality.* Only the leadership team will have access to your application. The more the team learns about you, the more informed their decision about selection can be.

    * If you are selected for the Jam, your mini-bio will be shared with other participants, just prior to the Jam.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Additional Contact Details (Address, Phone no., Location): (required)

    Age: (required)

    Gender: (required)

    1) How do you identify? This include many aspects of your identity, such as caste, economic class, sexual orientation, mother-tongue, religion or anything else that makes you who you are, by birth or by choice. We ask because we value diversity and are aiming to bring together as diverse a group as possible based on a variety of qualities and characteristics. (required)

    2)Tell us about yourself, what work you are currently doing and how you came to be where you are in your personal journey. What are you passionate about? We are looking for a group with a range of backgrounds, experiences, and interests as we believe every participant helps to make the jam an enriching space for everyone. (required)

    3) What are your current areas of challenge, growth, and excitement? How may the jam be valuable for you at this point in your life journey? Why do you want to come? We ask because we would like to include participants who can really benefit from the jam. This would also help us design the process according to participant needs. (required)

    4) What do you hope to offer the jam? What do you hope to receive from the Jam? The jam is an opportunity for co-creation, where everyone brings their unique passions, stories, and gifts together, and something beautiful emerges. (required)

    5. Any additional thoughts, comments, or questions?

    6. Please give us a mini-bio (a paragraph version of your story) written in the third person (for example, using “she” instead of “I”). No need to be humble! Include contributions you’ve made, any awards or accomplishments, organizations you’ve been involved with, etc. These accomplishments and this bio as a whole are not part of our selection criteria, so no pressure! Share yourself in a way that feels good to you. And, just so you know, if you are selected, then this bio will be shared with other participants of this Jam and will be used for the YES! website. (You can always modify it later.) (required)

    This is not a competition or a race where we select the ‘best’ applications or judge whose work is ‘better’ and whose isn’t. However, we are limited to a maximum of 30 participants, and we wish to ensure a circle of diversity with a right mix of qualities, so that the potential of the space is enriched and it becomes meaningful for all. The selections would only reflect this attempt.

    Costs of Attending

    The actual cost of the Jam per participant is Rs 13,500 (including food, accommodation, materials, expenses & modest stipends for organizers and facilitators). The good news is that we were able to do some fundraising to offer a sliding-scale contribution of Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 7,000. This means that you can contribute according to your unique financial situation, anywhere from Rs 4,000 to 7,000. We appreciate your efforts to find the money even when it is a little difficult (we can help you in asking for support from family, friends, your organization, etc).

    We do not want money to be an impediment to your participation and if you are not able to contribute the minimum Rs 4,000, we would still love to have you here! We have a limited number of scholarships/work trades and to apply for scholarship, please mention it in the application form. Whatever additional anyone is able to contribute will go towards the scholarship pool and help us have an inclusive group of participants and, at the same time, be financially sustainable.

    How much are you or your organization in a position to pay (Rs. 4,000 - Rs. 7,000)? Please mention here if you wish for help with fundraising? (required)

    Some partial work trades may be available. Are there other non-monetary ways that you might be in reciprocity with the Jam (any particular skills, other in-kind contributions, etc.)?

    Travel expenses are the responsibility of the participant. If you are selected, we will follow up with you to ask about diet, housing, travel plans, etc. We want to be sure to meet your needs at the Jam.

    If you have any questions, please contact: indiayouthjam@gmail.com or
    Arushi - Tel: 09004230532, Shruti - Tel. 09923041281, Suyash - Tel. 09584432882

    Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries. We eagerly look forward to hearing from you.


    Note: We encourage you to cut-and-paste your answers to this application into a word doc, BEFORE you hit the submit button, as we are occasionally experiencing some technical difficulties with this contact form.  Once you have received confirmation from us that we received your application, then you can go ahead and delete the word doc. Thank you!